Energy certificates for apartments, houses, offices, shops, production facilities etc.

Industrial energy audit on the entire outline of energy consumption, according to law 121 from 2014

Energy performance calculation for consumers below / over 1,000 tons of oil equivalent per year

Energy balance and solutions for the efficiency and reduction of energy consumption

Power management

We are present in the following locations:


Ordonanta Guvernului 13 din 2016 – noi obligatii privind certificatul energetic

Conform Ordonanței 13 din 2016, începând cu 28 februarie 2016 este obligatorie afișarea certificatului de eficiență energetică pentru toate clădirile care sunt vizitate de public în mod frecvent. Ordonanţa Guvernului nr. 13/2016 modifică Legea nr. [...]

We offer our clients the following services:

The energy performance certificate of the building is the document developed according to the methodology for the calculation of the energy performance of buildings, which indicates the energy performance of a building or of a building unit, which includes data on energy consumption in buildings and, which as case may be, can be accompanied by recommendations for reduction. The energy performance certificate shall be compiled for buildings that are built, sold, rented or subject to major renovations.

You are probably already familiar with the concept of “Energy Classes”. You can see them on any refrigerator, washing machine or other appliances. Like these, a building may fall into an energy class or into another, depending on its “performance”.

  • Energy Auditing and Certification for apartments

  • Energy Auditing and Certification for homes and villas

  • Energy Auditing and Certification for holiday homes,

  • Energy Auditing and Certification for office spaces,

  • Energy Auditing and Certification for warehouses and storage spaces,

  • Energy Auditing and Certification for any kind of buildings for commercial purposes,

  • Energy Auditing and Certification for buildings and building spaces in all areas.

We are proud to work with them:

www.proprietaricluj.roRemax imobiliareNotar Chis MihaelaCITRBlitz ImobiliareRTZ PartnersNotar Dobre IonHabitas ImobiliareNotar Tataru AnaWelt ImobiliareEden ImobiliareNotar Tise CameliaNotar Handra DianaOTP Real EstatePitas ImobiliareNotar Muntean OvidiuNotar Popa IonutGroupamaColdwell BankerNotar Vasilescu IleanaNotar Stancu TudorSelect consultingEdil ImobiliareNotar Bejan CristinaNotar Budiu AlinaNotar Budusan SilviaNotar Lupea MarianaNotar Moigradean LauraNotar Muresan Claudiu

We are proud that they have been our customers: